Rural Improvement Districts

For copies of the official Resolution documents, please visit the Lewis and Clark County Clerk and Recorders office located in Room 113 of the City-County Building; 316 North Park Avenue, Helena, MT.

Applegate/Norris Road

Augusta Lighting

Bel Air Addition Road

District 2006-5

District Map(PDF, 57KB)


2006-116(PDF, 235KB)

2006-132(PDF, 264KB)

2007-107(PDF, 110KB)

Bel Air Curbs - District 2006-6

(District was created for Subdivision Curb Improvements and is no longer a district)


2006-117(PDF, 93KB)

2006-133(PDF, 93KB)

2007-108(PDF, 47KB)

Big Sky Subdivision Road

Buffalo Hills Road

Country Winds Fire

District 2020-02

2020-108(PDF, 3MB)

Countryside Road

Crestwood Green Estates Road

District 2010-2 

District Map(PDF, 160KB)


2003-67(PDF, 210KB)

6/17/2003 The Board of County Commissioners Denied Creation of the District (see Public Meeting Minutes)

2010-328(PDF, 186KB)

2010-357(PDF, 332KB)

2011-21(PDF, 126KB)

2013-76(PDF, 3MB)

2013-104(PDF, 6MB)

Fawn Meadow Estates Road


Foothills Estates Road

Fox Crossing Road

Garden Valley Estates Road

Gilbert Schatz Morris Road

Glacier Point Road

Golden Meadows Fire

District 2022-08


2022-83(PDF, 2MB)

2023-77(PDF, 3MB)

Golden Meadows Road

District 2022-07


2022-83(PDF, 2MB)

2023-76(PDF, 943KB)

Grand Valley Estates Road

Grand Vista Estates Fire

District 2021-7


2021-96(PDF, 2MB)

2023-72(PDF, 4MB)

Grand Vista Estates Road

Grass-Land Major Subdivision Road

Gruber Minor Road

Harvest Acres Minor Fire

District No. 2019-003

District Map(PDF, 120KB)


2019-83(PDF, 130KB)

Harvest Acres Minor Road

District No. 2019-002

District Map(PDF, 125KB)


2019-82(PDF, 139KB)

Hayfield Estates Road

Heron Creek Road

Hoff (Lot 3) Road

Kamp Fire

District No. 2017-12


2017-150(PDF, 139KB)

2018-77(PDF, 79KB)

Kamp Road

District 2017-11


2017-149(PDF, 146KB)

2018-76(PDF, 80KB)

Lake Home Road

Lambkins Improvement

Lincoln Improvement

Long Gulch Road

Lorac Road

Lower Rosemary Road

District 2007-1





Mayville Manor Road

McHugh Road

Mud Springs Road

North Forty Estates Road

North Valley Downs

Pleasant Valley Lighting

District 1981-1 (AKA: Pleasant Valley Lighting)

(Operating and Maintaining Lighting System in Pleasant Valley Subdivision)


1981-42(PDF, 179KB)

1981-42 (Amended)(PDF, 173KB)

1981-47(PDF, 219KB)

1988-60(PDF, 68KB)

1988-68(PDF, 42KB)

1997-111(PDF, 414KB)

2002-18(PDF, 260KB)

Powder River Court

Red Fox Meadows - Flood Water Detention Pond

Ryan Minor

Ryann's Lane

South Boundary

South Forestvale

District No. 2015-7

District Map(PDF, 174KB)

Resolution to Create the District:

Resolution No. 2015-98(PDF, 125KB)

Resolution to Levy and Assess the District:

Resolution No. 2016-66(PDF, 78KB)

Resolution of Intention to Create the Amended District:

Resolution No. 2018-18(PDF, 159KB)

Resolution to Create the Amended District:

Resolution No. 2018-31(PDF, 171KB)

Resolution to Levy and Assess the Amended District:

Resolution No. 2018-54(PDF, 175KB)

Spruce Drive

Tilly Court

Wheat Ridge Estates, Phase III (includes Wheat Ridge IV)

District 2018-02
(includes Wheat Ridge Phase III & Wheat Ridge IV)

District Map

Resolution 2018-92(PDF, 116KB)
Resolution 2019-67(PDF, 96KB)

Other: Resolution 2021-109(PDF, 2MB) Resolution to Create the Wheat Ridge Estates Phase IV Subdivision Fire RID District No. 2021-8

Woodlawn Service Connection

Wild Wind Road and Half Fast Drive