4-H Council Information

4-H Council

The Council's purpose is to maintain and strengthen the 4-H program in partnership with the Montana Cooperative Extension Service. This includes advocating for and promoting educational activities in Lewis and Clark County, assisting with leadership, development, and life skills in youth and adults, and providing a channel of communication and a forum for the exchange of ideas among leaders, youth, Extension personnel, and other organizations. The Lewis and Clark 4-H Council works in conjunction with the Foundation to plan and conduct fundraising activities necessary to carry out the business of the Council and approve the annual operating budget.

President Katie Grady-Selby
Vice President Melissa Velin
Secretary Jenne Caudle
Treasurer Jana Gruber
Bill Sullivan


Overall Outdoor  

David Hamilton
Overall Indoor
 Zach Eckhart
 Mackenzie Velin
 Ambassador  Charlie Snellman
 Ambassador  Stella Duran
 Ambassador  Alyssa White
 Ambassador  Sara Dearing
 Ambassador  Kortney McKay
 Ambassador  Ayla Mundinger-Adsay


The 4-H Council is further broken down into indoor and outdoor committees, with superintendents in charge of each project area. You can find their contact information by clicking 'Directory' below or by visiting the project pages.

Council Minutes



October 9, 2024(PDF, 214KB)

November 13th, 2024(PDF, 806KB)

January 8, 2025(DOCX, 39KB)

February 12, 2025(DOCX, 43KB)


October 11, 2023(PDF, 192KB)

November 8, 2023(PDF, 190KB)

February 14, 2024(PDF, 174KB)

March 13, 2024(PDF, 174KB)

April 10, 2024(PDF, 185KB)

May 8, 2024(PDF, 173KB)

June 12, 2024(PDF, 191KB)

July 17, 2024(PDF, 203KB)

September 11, 2024(PDF, 208KB)


October 12, 2022(PDF, 199KB)

November 9, 2022(PDF, 176KB)

December 14, 2022(PDF, 160KB)

January 8, 2023(PDF, 205KB)

March 8, 2023(PDF, 175KB)

April 12, 2023(PDF, 173KB)

May 10, 2023(PDF, 185KB)

June 14, 2023(PDF, 162KB)

July 19, 2023(PDF, 162KB)

September 13, 2023(PDF, 192KB)


October 13, 2021(PDF, 186KB)

November 10, 2021(PDF, 187KB)

December 8, 2021(PDF, 189KB)

January 12, 2022(PDF, 192KB)

February 9, 2022(PDF, 190KB)

March 9, 2022(PDF, 174KB)

May 11, 2022(PDF, 159KB)

June 8, 2022(PDF, 157KB)

July 20, 2022(PDF, 158KB)


October 14, 2020(PDF, 183KB)

November 11,2020(PDF, 147KB)

December 12, 2020(PDF, 153KB)

January 13, 2021(PDF, 143KB)

February 10, 2021(PDF, 173KB)

March 10, 2021(PDF, 182KB)

April 14, 2021(PDF, 160KB)

May 12, 2021(PDF, 218KB)

June 9, 2021(PDF, 149KB)

July 14, 2021(PDF, 161KB)

September 8, 2021(PDF, 190KB)


September 9, 2020(PDF, 153KB)

July 15, 2020(PDF, 140KB)

June 10, 2020(PDF, 153KB)

March 11, 2020(PDF, 168KB)

February 12, 2020(PDF, 204KB)

January 8, 2020(PDF, 181KB)

November 13, 2019(PDF, 156KB)

October 8, 2019(PDF, 146KB)



Policy Proposal Form

Fillable PDF of Policy Proposal Form HERE(PDF, 99KB)

You must download the form to your computer, and fill it in using Adobe, otherwise it won't save your contents.

Word Document of Policy Proposal Form HERE(DOCX, 13KB)


For current Council election information, please visit this page.

Outdoor Committee

  • The Outdoor Committee is made up of outdoor project superintendents (particularly livestock and large animal projects).
  • The Committee meets at 5:30 PM on every first Monday of the month in the Bill Hamilton Building.
  • Anyone is welcome to attend (livestock sale buyers, interested community members, 4-H members, and volunteers).
  • Call David Hamilton (406.431.1948) or the Extension Office for more information.
  • You can view current election information by clicking HERE.

Outdoor Committee Minutes


Livestock Sale Committee

  • The Livestock Sale Committee is responsible for organizing and advertising the yearly 4-H Livestock Sale at the Last Chance Stampede and Fair in Lewis and Clark County.
  • The Committee meets after every Outdoor Committee Meeting (~7 PM) every second Monday of the month in the upstairs conference room of the Extension Office.
  • Anyone is welcome to attend (buyers, interested community members, 4-H members, and volunteers).
  • Call David Hamilton (406.431.1948) or the Extension Office for more information.
  • 2024 Livestock Tent Sponsorship Form(PDF, 287KB)



Indoor Committee

  • The Indoor Committee is made up of indoor project superintendents (including pocket pets and outdoor adventures).
  • The Committee meets at 5:30 PM on every third Wednesday of the month in the Bill Hamilton Building.
  • Anyone is welcome to attend (interested community members, indoor judges, 4-H members, and volunteers).
  • Call Michelle Ostberg (406.459.3543) or the Extension Office for more information.
  • You can view current election information by clicking HERE.

Indoor Committee Minutes


Awards Committee

  • The Awards Committee makes decisions regarding the types of awards offered for 4-H Members and Volunteers in Lewis and Clark County
  • The Awards Committee works with the awards sponsors to ensure the sponsor's needs are met each year
  • The Awards Committee handles awards throughout the year (fair, county events, Awards Night)
  • Anyone is welcome to attend (interested community members, 4-H members, and volunteers).
  • If interested in participating in the Awards Committee, please call Kara at the Extension Office for meeting dates and times, or view our newsletters and/or calendar on the homepage.

Awards Committee Minutes


The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and the Montana State University Extension Service prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Jeff Bader, Director of Extension, Extension Service, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717