Lewis & Clark County 4-H Foundation
2025 Scholarship Form(DOCX, 126KB)
The 4-H Foundation was created to provide financial support to Lewis & Clark County 4-H through the following:
Programs- to aid in maintain, developing, and promoting the overall 4-H program and facilities in Lewis & Clark County through fundraising, investing opportunities and advertising for donations.
Projects - to provide financial assistance for educational activities and specific project development.
People - to support 4-H youth and volunteer leaders through scholarship awards, youth and leadership development, and educational activities.
President - Joe Munis
Vice President - Karyn Hamilton
Secretary - Lisa DeWitt
Treasurer - Janet Cerovski
Leader -Danyel Bauer
Leader - Erin Weisgerber
Leader - Michelle Eckhart
Foundation Rep -Bill Sullivan
Community- Luke Duran
Junior Representative -
Ex Office -
For current Foundation election information, please visit this page.
October 4, 2023(PDF, 129KB)
Annual Meeting October 4, 2023(PDF, 112KB)
November 1, 2023(PDF, 88KB)
January 3, 2024(PDF, 147KB)
March 6, 2024(PDF, 58KB)
April 3, 2024(PDF, 80KB)
May 1, 2024(PDF, 49KB)
June 5, 2024(PDF, 50KB)
September 4, 2024(PDF, 129KB)
January 4, 2023(PDF, 112KB)
February 8, 2023(PDF, 90KB)
March 1, 20223(PDF, 83KB)
April 5, 2023(PDF, 109KB)
May 3, 2023(PDF, 108KB)
June 7, 2023(PDF, 107KB)
August 9, 2023(PDF, 85KB)
September 6, 2023(PDF, 82KB)
October 21, 2021(PDF, 81KB)
November 11, 2021 Annual Meeting(PDF, 82KB)
December 9, 2021(PDF, 105KB)
April 6, 2022(PDF, 45KB)
May 4, 2022(PDF, 80KB)
October 29, 2020 Annual Meeting(PDF, 91KB)
October 7, 2020(PDF, 50KB)
November 4, 2020(PDF, 52KB)
December 2, 2020(PDF, 79KB)
January 6, 2021(PDF, 80KB)
February 3, 2021(PDF, 78KB)
March 3, 2021(PDF, 109KB)
May 16, 2021(PDF, 59KB)
June 27, 2021(PDF, 50KB)
August 15, 2021(PDF, 88KB)
July 1, 2020(PDF, 49KB)
June 3, 2020(PDF, 107KB)
April 1, 2020(PDF, 30KB)
March 4, 2020(PDF, 87KB)
February 5, 2020(PDF, 57KB)
January 5, 2020(PDF, 54KB)
October 7, 2019(PDF, 36KB)
May 6, 2019(PDF, 32KB)
April 5, 2019(PDF, 34KB)
March 5, 2019(PDF, 43KB)
February 6, 2019(PDF, 40KB)
January 16, 2019(PDF, 43KB)
December 5, 2018(PDF, 43KB)
October 30, 2018 Annual Meeting(PDF, 38KB)
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and the Montana State University Extension Service prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Jeff Bader, Director of Extension, Extension Service, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717