Chanan Brown is a city resident who live inside the Helena city limits. He is an employee of the Montana Department of Health and Human Services and is in his first term, which expires June 30, 2027.

Sherri Ann Ohs-Mosley is a county resident and former small business owner who lives outside of the Helena city limits. This is her first term, which expires on June 30, 2027.

Dr. Mikael Bedell is a licensed physician who works as a family practitioner at St. Peter's Health Medical Group. He is in his second term on the board. Term expires June 30, 2025 and he serves as the board's vice chair.

Candace Payne is a Lewis and Clark County Commissioner and the commission's designated representative on the board. She serves at the pleasure of the commissioners.

Mayor Wilmot Collins is mayor of the City of Helena. He serves on the health board at the pleasure of the City Commission as its representative.

Lisa Kaufman is the Public Water Field Section Supervisor at the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). She is in her second term on the Board of Health and serves as the Hearing Officer. She is a professional with experience in environmental, biological, chemical, or engineering sciences. Her term expires June 30, 2027.

Brie MacLaurin is the Board of Health Chair. She joined the board representing consumers of health services and works as a realtor. She is in her second term, which expires June 30, 2025.

Rex Weltz is superintendent of Helena School District 1; he represents the school district on the board as an ex-officio voting member.
Mayor Kelly Harris is the mayor of East Helena and serves on the Board of Health as a resident from the city of East Helena. He serves at the pleasure of the East Helena City Council.