Helena Historic Districts
Historic Districts listed on the National Register are found on the link below.
Historic Districts in Helena are areas where historic structures are concentrated so well that an entire neighborhood qualifies for recognition. Only part of Helena's potential historic districts have been listed.
Because not all houses or buildings in a district have historic qualities, each property is rated according to its level ofcontribution to the district's historical significance. Also, each district is given a "period of significance" - such as 1864 to 1935 - that identifies the time frame the district illustrates. Property not built within or significantly altered after the period of significance are not contributors to the district. Look in the National Register link to find the periods of significance for each district.
If you are looking for the level of contribution of a particular property you will not find it on the maps. Changes over time and the lack of specific information at the time of listing require site-by-site determinations of individual property.
You will need an Adobe Reader to see these maps. If you require a download to obtain a reader click on the link in the right-hand column.
Helena Historic Districts(PDF, 426KB) Listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
The Full Extent of Historic Properties in Helena(JPEG, 1MB) includes many areas not officially listed. This map shows where those areas are.

Downtown Helena
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National Register Sites in Lewis & Clark County
Information on the National Register of Historic Places