Noxious Weed Control District

The Lewis and Clark County Noxious Weed Division policies and programs including; education, enforcement, and awareness support the Montana State Noxious Weed Law (MCA 7-22-21).

The Division encourages management of noxious weeds on private and public lands, subdivisions, timber harvests and open pit mining within the County. Noxious Weed awareness and education strengthens management, lessens the spread of infestations, enhances land values, and protects the environment. Noxious weed management is the responsibility of everyone.

Division Resources, Education, & FAQs

Our Division is here to help, some resources we provide include:

  • Property inspections & weed management plan development for private lands including compliance cases as well as developing and reviewing weed management plans throughout the County for new development such as subdivisions, timber harvest, open pit mining, or other special projects.
  • Compliance enforcement of noxious weeds per the MCA law. 
  • Lewis & Clark County Cost Share Program.
  • Provide Equipment/Sprayer Rentals.
  • Resources such as a listing of licensed & insured commercial applicators, question resources, plant identification.
  • Provide community outreach, awareness, and education through public events, school events, or other meetings such as realtor groups or homeowner association meetings. 
  • Manage noxious weeds on County Right of Ways and County Properties.
  • Collaborate with other entities through interlocal agreements, or MOUs to assist those organizations with Noxious Weed mitigation. Partnerships include but are not limited to federal, state, and local entities.

What_Are_Noxious_Weeds.pdf(PDF, 33KB)

Did_You_Know.pdf(PDF, 702KB)

FAQ_s.pdf(PDF, 85KB)

Non-Compliance Reporting/Noxious Weed Complaints & Compliance Method Information

  • Our office accepts Noxious Weed Complaints/Non-Compliance reporting from April - September, during the growing and spray season. To make a complaint please review the information below and contact us with the required information by phone at (406) 447-8372 or e-mail.
  1. Be prepared to provide your name and contact information, anonymous complaints cannot be received.
  2. Provide a physical address or general location in conjunction with a physical address of the alleged complaint.
  3. Keep in mind, your information may be shared to the landowner upon their request during a noncompliance case.
  4. Our office can only enforce management of Montana State & Lewis and Clark County listed Noxious Weeds(PDF, 279KB). Common plants such as Mustard varieties, grasses, and other roadside plants that seem too high and in need of being mowed, or nuisance weeds such as dandelions, although obnoxious are not noxious and management cannot legally be enforced. 
  • Compliance and Legal Management of Noxious Weeds may include any, or a combination of the following methods:
  1. Mowing/Cutting (with proper disposal of the noxious weeds).
  2. Pulling (with proper disposal of noxious weeds).
  3. Use of Herbicides; self sprayed or by a commercial applicator is accepted. 
  4. Other; such as biocontrol methods.

State of Montana & Lewis and Clark County Listed Noxious Weeds

Available Rental Equipment Information

Lewis and Clark County Noxious Weed Division has a variety of rental equipment available. For questions or Drill reservations please call 406-447-8372.

  • Herbicide Sprayers: No Reservations, First Come First Serve
         Pull Trailer & Slide In's: $40 Day / $60 Weekend
         Backpack Sprayers: $10 Day / $20 Weekend
         ATV Hand Line: $20 Day / $40 Weekend
  • Insecticide Sprayer: No Reservations, First Come First Serve
         Pull Trailer: $100 Day / $200 Weekend
  • Drill Seeder: Reservations required
         $100 Day / $150 Weekend

Rental Equipment is available Monday-Thursday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm only, Friday pick up is unavailable.

Weekend rate is Thursday afternoon to Monday morning.

Rental-Equipment-and-Fees.pdf(PDF, 139KB)
Sprayer-Rental-Information_Instructions.pdf(PDF, 639KB)
Drill-Rental-Information_Instructions.pdf(PDF, 599KB)