The Public Comment Period for Onsite Wastewater Regulations is Now Open.
Public comment will be accepted in the following ways:
Public Comment will also be taken at the Board of Health meeting on March 27, 2025.
Members of the public are welcome to come in person to 1930 9th Ave South, Helena, MT in the public health conference room at 1pm or attend virtually using the posted Zoom link found on the public health website:
Regulations with proposed changes can be read here(PDF, 1015KB) .
The Environmental Health Division of Lewis and Clark Public Health deals with the dynamic interaction between humans and nature and the impacts of people on the environment they live in.
Environmental health specialists work to reduce exposure to pollutants in the air, water, and soil that endanger human health.
Programs of the Environmental Health Division include:
Air Quality
Lead Education
Septic Systems
Fee Sheet for Environmental Services(PDF, 34KB)
Maps and Tools
Drenda Niemann Health Officer 406-457-8900
Laurel Riek Division Administrator
Office Murray Building 1930 Ninth Ave Helena, MT 59601 406-447-8351 Fax: 406-457-8990
Sanitarians available in office by appointment.
What is AQI?