Communicable Disease Control

The Disease Control and Prevention Division of Lewis and Clark Public Health is responsible for investigating incidents of communicable disease, including those caused by food, water, and ticks.

Communicable diseases are infectious diseases that can be passed from one person to another or from an insect or animal to a person. They have the potential to affect every county resident. The most susceptible people are those who have not been immunized or are under-immunized, those with weakened immune systems (caused by stress, age, disease, alcoholism, or homelessness), and those whose work or leisure activities put them at risk for disease. These investigation help prevent communicable disease from spreading through the community.

The COVID-19 Hotline is no longer in service. If you have COVID-19 related questions, please call our mainline at 406-457-8900.

Communicable diseases we investigate, test for, educate about, and vaccinate against are:

To Report Communicable Diseases

Montana health-care providers are required by law to report cases of specific communicable diseases(PDF, 203KB) to their local health department. This enables public health officials to follow up on cases of significance and identify outbreaks or emerging health concerns.

To Report a Communicable Disease, Please Call: 

Communicable Disease Reporting Forms:




Communicable Disease Response Plan

Foodborne Illness



Tuberculosis Control

The Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) supplies TB medications for clients with active TB disease or TB infection. The local health department administers this medication program. Public health nurses monitor completion of medication therapy for both disease and infection so that clients are appropriately treated and cured.

For more information on tuberculosis in Montana, visit the DPHHS website. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also offer information on prevention, testing, diagnosis, and treatment.



Visit our COVID-19 HUB for all things COVID-19 related, including symptomology, testing, wastewater surveillance, vaccine recommendations, and more.

COVID-19 HUB - Lewis and Clark County, Montana (

The COVID-19 Hotline is no longer in service. If you have COVID-19 related questions, please call our mainline at 406-457-8900.


MPox Tracker

Wastewater Surveillance Program

2025 Measles Outbreak Information