Not updated for the 2024-2025 4-H Year
The 4-H Advisory & Leadership Council guides programming decisions for Lewis & Clark County 4-H. Officers of Council work to identify and meet the needs of 4-H families, members, and volunteers. The 4-H Council works with Extension to provide 4-H events and activities for positive youth development. If you would like to nominate someone, please e-mail or call the Extension Office at lewisclark(at) or (406) 447-8346. You can also make a nomination at the September meeting. The election happens during every October Council meeting. Each club gets one vote.
To nominate a special 4-H volunteer for a county award, please click here.
Click here to nominate someone for Council/Foundation Positions that are open this year
2 Year Terms
- President:
- Current - Bill Sullivan
- Term Ends - October 2024
- Nominations - Katie Grady
- Vice President:
- Current - Jana Gruber
- Term Ends - October 2025
- Secretary:
- Current - Jenne Caudle
- Term Ends - October 2025
- Treasurer:
- Current - Jana Gruber & Jenne Caudle
- Term Ends - October 2024
- Nominations - Jana Gruber
1 Year Terms
- Foundation Representative:
- Current - Molly LaChere
- Nomination - Molly LaChere and Bill Sullivan
- 2 Youth Representatives:
- Current - Rebecca Gruber & Madison Caudle
- Nomination - Sara Dearing, Bransen Wareham, Carly LaChere, Zach Eckhart & MacKenzie Velin
Not updated for the 2024-2025 4-H Year
Becoming a project superintendent is different than just helping with a project. You are in charge of the entire project and its activities for your two year term. This includes organizing workshops, activities, guest speakers, and Fair events for your project area. If you would like to nominate someone, please e-mail or call the Extension Office at lewisclark(at) or (406) 447-8346. You can also make a nomination at the September meeting. The election happens at every October meeting. Superintendents & junior superintendents can cast one vote per project area. Club representatives in attendance can cast one vote each for the election only.
If you are just interested in helping out with a project and don't want to be a superintendent, please indicate your interest by submitting this online form. The Extension Office or superintendent will get back to you.
Click here to nominate someone for Outdoor Superintendent Positions that are open this year
4-H Outdoor Committee Nominations (Even Years)
3 Year Terms
- Overall Outdoor Superintendent
- Current - David Hamilton (term ends 2024)
2 Year Terms
- Beef:
- Current - Larry St. Clair & Chris Petre (co-chairs)
- Nomination - Larry St. Clair & Chris Petre (co-chairs)
- Dairy Cattle
- Current - Daisy Feight
- Nomination - Marlee Johnson
- Dog:
- Current - Laurie Sullivan & Bill Sullivan
- Nomination - Laurie Sullivan & Shae Sullivan
- Herdsmanship:
- Current - Lisa Grady
- Nomination - Lisa Grady
- Livestock Judging:
- Current - Georgana Webster
- Nomination - Georgana Webster
- Round Robin
- Current - Jana Gruber & Katie Grady-Selby
- Nomination - Jana Gruber & Katie Grady-Selby
- Sheep
- Current - Jana Gruber
- Nomination - Melissa Velin
- Sheep Co-Superintendent
- Current - Michelle Eckhart
- Nomination - Jana Gruber
4-H Outdoor Committee Nominations (Odd Years)
2 Year Terms
- Dairy Cattle:
- Horse:
- Poultry:
- Current - Lexie Edwards & CJ Lassila (co-chairs)
- Rabbit:
- Current - Michelle Eckhart
- Swine:
- Current - Katie Grady & Brandon Dearing
Not updated for the 2024-2025 4-H Year
Becoming a project superintendent is different than just helping with a project. You are in charge of the entire project and its activities for your one-year term. This includes organizing workshops, activities, guest speakers, and Fair events for your project area. If you would like to nominate someone, please e-mail or call the Extension Office at lewisclark(at) or (406) 447-8346. You can also make a nomination at the September meeting. There are two year term limits. Projects A-E have term limits are on even years and projects F-Z are on odd years.
If you are just interested in helping out with a project and don't want to be a superintendent, please indicate your interest by submitting this online form. The Extension Office or superintendent will get back to you.
Click here to nominate someone for Indoor Superintendent Positions that are open this year
4-H Indoor Committee Nominations
- Overall Indoor Superintendent
- Current - JoEllen Wood
- Nomination - no nomination
- Indoor Secretary
- Current - Meg White
- Nomination - no nomination
- Aerospace
- Current - Vacant
- Nomination - no nomination
- Ambassadors
- Current - Beverly Schneider
- Nomination - Beverly Schneider
- Babysitting
- Current - Catherine McNeil
- Nomination - Molly LaChere
- Cake Decorating
- Current - Christine Bailey
- Nomination - no nomination
- Cat
- Current - Jennifer Reed
- Nomination - Jennifer Reed
- Citizenship
- Current - Joseph Dunn
- Nomination - no nomination
- Cloverbuds
- Current - Michaela Stewart
- Nomination - Michaela Stewart
- Cowboy Poetry
- Current - Vacant
- Nomination - no nomination
- Crop Science
- Current - Vacant
- Nomination - no nomination
- Electricity
- Current - Vacant
- Nomination - no nomination
- Entomology
- Current - Vacant
- Nomination - no nomination
- Food & Nutrition
- Forestry
- Current - Vacant
- Nomination - no nomination
- Gardening
- Interior Design
- Current - Vacant
- Nomination - no nomination
- Leadership
- Current - Beverly Schneider
- Leadership co-leader
- Nomination - Michaela Stewart
- Leathercraft
- Outdoor Adventures
- Current - Matt Van Syckle
- Photography
- Pocket Pets
- Rang Science Management
- Current - Vacant
- Nomination - no nomination
- Robotics
- Scrapbooking
- Sewing & Textiles
- Shooting Sports Overall (voted on by shooting sports committee on odd years)
- Current - Vacant
- Nomination - Vanessa Olson
- Shooting Sports - Air Rifle
- Current - Guy Rainville
- Nomination - James Johnson
- Shooting Sports- Archery
- Current - Vacant
- Nomination - Ben Rude
- Shooting Sports - Muzzleloading
- Shooting Sports - Shotgun
- Current -Vacant
- Nomination - no nomination
- Small Engines
- Current - Vacant
- Nomination - no nomination
- Sport Fishing
- Veterinary Science
- Visual Arts
- Current - Vacant
- Nomination - no nomination
- Weed Science
- Current - Jessica Bushnell
- Welding
- Wildlife
- Current - Vacant
- Nomination - no nomination
- Woodworking
Not updated for the 2024-2025 4-H Year
The 4-H Foundation was created to provide financial support to Lewis & Clark County 4-H through the following:
Programs- to aid in maintain, developing, and promoting the overall 4-H program and facilities in Lewis & Clark County through fundraising, investing opportunities and advertising for donations.
Projects - to provide financial assistance for educational activities and specific project development.
People - to support 4-H youth and volunteer leaders through scholarship awards, youth and leadership development, and educational activities.
If you would like to nominate someone, please e-mail or call the Extension Office at lewisclark(at) or (406) 447-8346. You can also make a nomination at the September or October Foundation meetings.
If you are just interested in helping out please indicate your interest by submitting this online form. The Extension Office will get back to you.
Board Officers
- President:
- Current - Joe Munis
- Term Ends - October 2025
- Vice President:
- Current - Karyn Hamilton
Term Ends - October 2025
- Secretary:
- Current - Lisa DeWitt
Term Ends - October 2025
- Treasurer:
- Current - Janet Cerovski
Term Ends - October 2025
1 Year Terms
- 4-H Youth Member 1:
- Current - Zoe Schneider
- Nomination - Sara Dearing
- 4-H Youth Member 2:
- Current - Vacant
- Nomination - no nomination
3 Year Terms
- 4-H Volunteer 1:
- Current - Michelle Eckhart
- Term Ends - 2026
- 4-H Volunteer 2:
- Current - Danyel Bauer
- Term Ends - 2026
- 4-H Volunteer 3:
- Current - Erin Weisgerber
- Term Ends - 2026
- 4-H Volunteer 4 (Council Rep):
- Current - Molly LaChere
- Term Ends - 2024
- Community Member 1:
- Current - Patricia Williams
- Term Ends - 2025
- Community Member 2:
- Current - Vacant
- Nomination - no nomination
- Community Member 3:
- Current - Joe Munis
- Term Ends - 2025
- Community Member 4:
- Current - Janet Cerovski
- Term Ends - 2025
- Community Member 5:
- Current - Lisa DeWitt
- Term Ends - 2025
(1 Year Terms)
Not updated for the 2024-2025 4-H Year
- President: Creates the agenda and runs the meetings.
- Vice President: Organizes ice breakers, runs the meeting when the President is unavailable.
- Secretary: Takes minutes at the meetings and send them to the Extension Office to be posted on the website.
- PR/Media Manager: Creates a promotion and visibility strategy for Youth Council and LCC 4-H goals, activities, and events.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and the Montana State University Extension Service prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Jeff Bader, Director of Extension, Extension Service, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717