Lewis and Clark County is performing an open solicitation to create a pool of contractors interested in performing snow removal services during the 2023/2024 winter season for the rural improvement districts (RIDs) managed by Lewis and Clark County.
The County will review the proposal according to criteria as stated in the full RFP. Proposals that are deemed incomplete by the selection committee will not be processed.
Lewis and Clark County reserves the right to reject any and all responses deemed unqualified, unsatisfactory, inappropriate or incomplete. Proposals become the property of Lewis and Clark County. The County is not responsible for paying costs associated with preparing a proposal.
Mandatory pre-proposal meetings will be held on three occasions in an open-house format; Monday, September 25, 2023, from 5:30-7:30 pm, Thursday, September 28, 2023, from 3:30-5 pm, and Saturday, October 7, 2023, from 11am -1 pm, in the Noxious Weed Building conference room located at 3402 Cooney Drive, Helena, Montana, to discuss any questions relating to either the RFP procedure or scope. All contractors who intend to respond must attend at least one meeting.
The complete request for the proposal is available under the Related Information section of this page. You may also receive a copy by contacting Jessica Makus, Lewis and Clark County, 3402 Cooney Drive, Helena, MT 59602, (406) 447-8029, jmakus@lccountymt.gov.
All contractors must submit their proposal to: Lewis and Clark County Public Works Department, 3402 Cooney Drive, Helena, MT 59602. Proposals must be submitted on or before November 15, 2023. Contract execution must take place prior to commencement of work and may take up to two weeks to finalize. The proposal must be in a sealed envelope and marked on the outside of the envelope “Proposal for RID Snow Removal”. Legibility, clarity, and completeness of the proposal are essential.