Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Lewis and Clark County, Montana are soliciting statements of qualifications (SOQ) from interested parties to create a roster of firms that provide engineering and/or grant administration services for Public Works Department’s road projects within the Lewis and Clark County jurisdictional area. The County will utilize the selected firms to serve as on-call engineers over a five-year period for related activities associated with roads beginning July 1, 2025. Desired services may include the following: planning, preliminary engineering, final design, surveying, construction administration, construction oversight, grant writing and/or grant administration, traffic engineering, and geotechnical engineering.
The complete solicitation is available under the Related Information section of this webpage. Questions related to this solicitation must be directed only to the designated point of contact for this solicitation: Audra Zacherl, Assistant Public Works Director, A cone of silence is established for this solicitation which prohibits any respondent, or entity with financial interest in the contract award, from communicating regarding the solicitation with any Lewis and Clark County elected official, employee, or agent other than the designated point of contact.
The deadline for SOQs to be delivered to the Lewis and Clark County Public Works Office, located at 3402 Cooney Drive, Helena, MT 59602, is on or before 4:00 PM local time February 25, 2025. The sealed envelope containing the SOQ must be labeled, “Road On-Call RFQ, SOQ Enclosed.” Late SOQs are not accepted.
The County reserves the right to reject any or all SOQs received, to waive informalities, to postpone the solicitation for a period not to exceed 60 days, and to accept the SOQ that is in the best interest of the County. Respondents shall be bound to the terms and conditions listed in the solicitation.
This solicitation is being offered in accordance with federal and state statutes and county regulations governing procurement. SOQs become the property of Lewis and Clark County. The County is not responsible for costs associated with preparing a SOQ.
Published in the Helena Independent Record on Saturday, January 18, 2025 and Saturday, January 25, 2025.