The Board of County Commissioners of Lewis and Clark County is soliciting competitive bids for the construction of the 2024 RID Crack Seal Project. The project generally consists of routing cracks that are ¼” wide or wider; clean all routable cracks, non-routable cracks, and refills (including vegetation sterilization, if present); and sealing all cracks in the asphalt pavement on roads in various RID’s within Lewis and Clark County, Montana, and must be completed by the date noted in Article 4 of the Agreement.
All Bids must be in accordance with the contract documents. The contract documents may be examined or obtained under the Related Information section of this page or by calling (406) 447-8035 in accordance with Article 2.01 of Instructions to Bidders. Contractors are encouraged to check for any addenda issued at this webpage prior to submitting a bid.
Sealed bids must be received at the Office of the Board of County Commissioners, in the City County Building, Room 345, 316 North Park Avenue, Helena, Montana, 59623 by 4:00 p.m. local time on Wednesday, February 14 2024. The envelope containing the sealed bid will be labeled “2024 RID Crack Seal, Bid Enclosed”.
Responsive bids will be publicly opened and read aloud on Thursday, February 15, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Room 330 in the City County Building, 316 N. Park Avenue, Helena, MT.
There will be a Pre-Bid Conference on Wednesday, January 31, 2024, at 3:30 p.m. in the Public Works Weed District Conference Room, located at 3402 Cooney Drive, Helena, MT. Interested bidders are encouraged to attend.
Contractor and any of the Contractor’s Subcontractors bidding or doing work on this project will be required to be registered with the Montana Department of Labor and Industry (DLI). Forms for registration are available from the Department of Labor and Industry, PO Box 8011, 1805 Prospect, Helena MT 59604-8011. Information on registration can be obtained by calling (406) 444-7734. All laborers and mechanics employed by Contractor or Subcontractors in performance of the construction work shall be paid wages at rates as required by Montana Prevailing Wage Rates for Highway Construction Services 2024. The Contractor must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of their race, color, religion, sex or national origin.
Each bid or proposal must be accompanied by a Certified Check, Cashier’s Check, or Bid Bond payable to Lewis & Clark County, in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the bid. Successful Bidders shall furnish an approved Performance Bond and a Labor and Materials Payment Bond, each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount. Insurance, as required, shall be provided by the successful Bidder(s) and a certificate(s) of that insurance shall be provided.
Bids may only be withdrawn as provided in Section 16.02 of the Instructions to Bidders after the scheduled time for the public opening of bids. The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals received, to waive informalities, to postpone the award of the contract for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days, and to accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid that is in the best interest of the Owner.
Lewis & Clark County is an Equal Opportunity Employer.