Criminal Justice Coordinating Council

Mission Statement:  The Criminal Justice Coordination Council exists to improve the safety of the citizens of Lewis and Clark County and ensure the equitable and efficient treatment of defendants, offenders, and victims.

The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) was created in 2012 in response to Resolution 2012-116 of the Lewis and Clark County Commission. The CJCC is an advisory council to the Board of County Commissioners.

The principal mission of the CJCC is to:

  • study the County's juvenile and adult criminal justice system;
  • identify deficiencies;
  • raise public awareness of the unique needs of the system;
  • coordinate efforts;
  • and formulate policy, plans, and programs to improve the system.

The CJCC is committed to the coordinated planning of innovative corrections programs that reflect the County's desire for safety and cost effectiveness. The CJCC will serve as the central planning body for the juvenile and adult criminal justice system, and will make recommendations to the public policy boards on behalf of our justice system. 

Lewis and Clark County's CJCC was selected in 2018 to be one of 30 members of The Justice Management Institute's CJCC network, a national network of leading coordinating councils. The National Network of Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils (NNCJCC) is a formal network that brings together leaders of the Network member CJCCs to create a forum for peer-to-peer learning and information sharing aiming to build capacity on a national level.