2019-1 |
Resolution to Establish Regular Meeting Dates of the Lewis and Clark County Commission and to Describe Procedures for Public Participation |
1-3-19 |
2019-2 |
Resolution Establishing Hours of Operation for all Lewis and Clark County Offices |
1-3-19 |
2019-3 |
Resolution Establishing the 2019 Fire Season and Related Burn Permits and Fees for Lewis and Clark County |
1-3-19 |
2019-4 |
Resolution Naming Yorkie Way |
1-8-19 |
2019-5 |
Resolution Naming Sloan Lane |
1-8-19 |
2019-6 |
Resolution Approving Funding of the Open Lands Program Peaks to Creeks Acquisition Project |
1-8-19 |
2019-7 |
Resolution to Establish Expanded Boundaries for Part I Special Zone District No. 49 - Not Approved |
2019-8 |
Resolution to Designate an Environmental Certifying Official |
1-10-19 |
2019-9(PDF, 1MB) |
Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property |
1-10-19 |
2019-10 |
Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property |
1-10-19 |
2019-11 |
Resolution Requesting Prosecutorial Assistance |
1-17-19 |
2019-12 |
Resolution Setting Permanent Weight Limits on Specific Roads Under the Jurisdiction of Lewis and Clark County for 2019 |
1-22-19 |
2019-13 |
Resolution Setting Seasonal Weight Limits on Specific Roads Under the Jurisdiction of Lewis and Clark County for 2019 |
1-22-19 |
2019-14 |
Resolution for a Public Hearing to Create the 4X4 Rural Improvement District No. 2018-01 |
1-22-19 |
2019-15 |
Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property |
1-29-19 |
2019-16 |
Resolution Naming Academic Street |
2-5-19 |
2019-17 |
Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property |
2-7-19 |
2019-18 |
Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property |
2-14-19 |
2019-19 |
Resolution Ordering a Refund of Fees and Assessments Paid |
2-14-19 |
2019-20 |
Resolution to Create both the Boundary and Regulations for the Fort Harrison Rural Growth Area Zone District |
2-14-19 |
2019-21 |
Resolution to Create both the Boundary and Regulations for the Fort Harrison Urban Growth Area Zone District |
2-14-19 |
2019-22 |
Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid |
2-19-19 |
2019-23 |
Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property |
2-21-19 |
2019-24 |
Resolution to Levy and Assess the 4X4 Rural Improvement District No. 2018-01 |
2-26-19 |
2019-25 |
Resolution to Remove the Land Use Restrictions from a Parcel of Land Deeded to the City of Helena |
3-26-19 |
2019-26 |
Resolution of Intention to Alter the Boundaries of the York Fire Service Area to Annex Adjacent Land |
3-28-19 |
2019-27 |
Resolution Amending Resolution No. 2002-119 Creating Bylaws of the Lewis and Clark County Fair Board |
3-28-19 |
2019-28 |
Resolution Regarding the Importance of the Year 2020 United States Census and the Formation of a Complete Count Committee |
4-4-19 |
2019-29 |
Resolution Relating to $18,656.00 Bond for the Lewis and Clark County (Camelot) Rural Improvement District No. 2017-6; Fixing the Form and Details and Providing for the Execution and Delivery Thereof and Security Therefor |
4-4-19 |
2019-30 |
Resolution of Intention to Create a Special District to be Known as the Lincoln Cemetery District |
4-5-19 |
2019-31 |
Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property |
4-16-19 |
2019-32 |
Resolution Establishing a Process for Acquisition, Transfer, and Management of County Real Property and Buildings |
4-23-19 |
2019-33 |
Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property |
4-25-19 |
2019-34 |
Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property |
4-25-19 |
2019-35 |
Resolution Establishing and Abandoning a Segment of Argenta Drive of Holmberg Village Estates Subdivision, Phase VI |
5-2-19 |
2019-36 |
Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property |
5-7-19 |
2019-37 |
Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property |
5-7-19 |
2019-38 |
Resolution Naming Willard CT |
5-14-19 |
2019-39 |
Resolution to Amend the Subdivision Regulations for Lewis and Clark County |
5-14-19 |
2019-40 |
Resolution Approving funding from the County Land, Water, and Wildlife Bond to the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation for the Acquisition of the Falls Creek Property |
5-14-19 |
2019-41 |
Resolution of Creation to Alter the Boundaries of the York Fire Service Area to Annex Adjacent Land |
5-14-19 |
2019-42 |
Resolution to Levy and Assess a Tax Upon Benefited Property Within the Saddle Rock Rural Improvement District No. 2018-03 |
5-21-19 |
2019-43(PDF, 43KB) |
Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property |
5-28-19 |
2019-44(PDF, 37KB) |
Resolution Declaring an Emergency Regarding Flooding |
5-28-19 |
2019-45 |
Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property |
6-6-19 |
2019-46 |
Resolution Canceling Uncalled Warrants Drawn on US Bank of Helena with a Date of Issuance Between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018 from the PureView Fund #692 Pursuant to Section 7-6-2607, MCA |
6-20-19 |
2019-47 |
Resolution Canceling Uncalled Warrants Drawn on US Bank of Helena with a Date of Issuance Between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018 from the Treasurer's Office Accounting Department Pursuant to Section 7-6-2607, MCA |
6-20-19 |
2019-48 |
Resolution Canceling Uncalled Warrants Drawn on US Bank of Helena with a Date of Issuance Between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018 from the Fairgrounds Fund #719 Pursuant to Section 7-6-2607, MCA |
6-20-19 |
2019-49 |
Resolution Canceling Uncalled Warrants Drawn on US Bank of Helena with a Date of Issuance Between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018 from the Sheriff's Commissary Fund #703 Pursuant to Section 7-6-2607, MCA |
6-20-19 |
2019-50 |
Resolution Canceling Uncalled Warrants Drawn on US Bank of Helena with a Date of Issuance Between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018 from the Justice Court Pursuant to Section 7-6-2607, MCA |
6-20-19 |
2019-51(PDF, 925KB) |
Resolution Canceling Uncalled Warrants Drawn on US Bank of Helena with a Date of Issuance Between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018 from the County Clerk's Office Pursuant to Section 7-6-2607, MCA |
6-20-19 |
2019-52 |
Resolution of Intention to Decrease the Solid Waste Disposal Fee as Recommended by the Lincoln Solid Waste District |
6-13-19 |
2019-53 |
Resolution Ordering the Cancellation of Real Property Taxes That Have Been Delinquent for 5 Years or More |
6-13-19 |
2019-54 |
Resolution Ordering the Cancellation of Personal Property Taxes That Have Been Delinquent for 5 Years or More |
6-13-19 |
2019-55 |
Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property |
6-25-19 |
2019-56 |
Resolution Setting the Salaries for Certain Elected Officials |
6-27-19 |
2019-57 |
Resolution Setting the Salary for the Lewis and Clark County Justice of the Peace and Establishing Office Hours |
6-27-19 |
2019-58 |
Resolution to Amend the B-2 Regulations of Special Zone District No. 2 |
6-25-19 |
2019-59 |
Resolution Decreasing the Solid Waste Disposal Fee as Recommended by the Lincoln Solid Waste District Effective July 1, 2019 |
6-27-19 |
2019-60 |
Resolution of Intention to Alter the Boundaries of the Tri-Lakes Fire Service Area to Annex Adjacent Water Bodies |
7-9-19 |
2019-61 |
Resolution to Alter the Boundaries of the Birdseye Rural Fire District to Annex Adjacent Land |
7-9-19 |
2019-62 |
Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property |
7-9-19 |
2019-63 |
Resolution Adopting the Final Operating Budget and Setting Appropriation Authority for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2019 and Ending June 30, 2020 |
7-9-19 |
2019-64 |
Resolution to Adopt the Lewis and Clark County Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plan, Phase 2, Master Plan - Not Adopted |
2019-65 |
Resolution to Create a Special District to be Known as the Lincoln Cemetery District |
7-18-19 |
2019-66 |
Resolution for Lewis and Clark County Emergency Declaration |
7-30-19 |
2019-67 |
Resolution to Levy and Assess a Tax upon Benefited Property within the Wheat Ridge Estates, Phase III Road Rural Improvement District No. 2018-02 |
8-8-19 |
2019-68 |
Resolution Ordering the Creation of the Lewis and Clark County Interdisciplinary Child Information and School Safety Team |
8-8-19 |
2019-69 |
Resolution to Designate an Environmental Certifying Official |
8-13-19 |
2019-70 |
Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid |
8-13-19 |
2019-71 |
Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid |
8-13-19 |
2019-72 |
Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid |
8-13-19 |
2019-73 |
Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid |
8-13-19 |
2019-74 |
Resolution to Levy and Assess a Tax Upon Benefited Property Within the Heron Creek Rural Improvement District No. 2015-9 |
8-15-19 |
2019-75 |
Resolution to Create an Administrative Board for the Lincoln Cemetery District |
8-20-19 |
2019-76 |
Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property |
8-20-19 |
2019-77 |
Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property |
8-20-19 |
2019-78 |
Resolution Levying an Assessment Upon Customers of the Scratch Gravel Solid Waste Management District Owning Real Property in the District and Owing a Pay-As-You-Throw Program Charge After August 15, 2019 |
8-22-19 |
2019-79 |
Resolution Levying an Assessment Upon Customers of the Scratch Gravel Solid Waste Management District Owning Mobile Homes as Personal Property in the District and Owing a Pay-As-You-Throw Program Charge After August 15, 2019 |
8-22-19 |
2019-80 |
Resolution Requesting Prosecutorial Assistance |
8-22-19 |
2019-81 |
Resolution Levying and Assessing a Tax Upon All Benefited Property Within the Timber Works Estates Rural Improvement District No. 2011-3 |
8-22-19 |
2019-82 |
Resolution to Create the Harvest Acres Minor Road Rural Improvement District No. 2019-01 |
8-22-19 |
2019-83 |
Resolution to Create the Harvest Acres Minor Fire Rural Improvement District No. 2019-02 |
8-22-19 |
2019-84 |
Resolution to Alter the Boundaries of the Tri-Lakes Fire Service Area to Annex Adjacent Water Bodies |
8-29-19 |
2019-85 |
Resolution Naming Iron Horse Road |
8-29-19 |
2019-86 |
Resolution Naming North View Drive |
8-29-19 |
2019-87 |
Resolution Requesting Prosecutorial Assistance |
9-5-19 |
2019-88 |
Resolution Providing for the Annual Tax Levy in Mills for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 |
9-5-19 |
2019-89 |
Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property |
9-10-19 |
2019-90 |
Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property |
9-10-19 |
2019-91 |
Resolution Levying an Assessment Upon Customers of the Lincoln Solid Waste Management District Who Own Real Property in the District and Owe an Unpaid Overage Charge for FY 2019 |
9-12-19 |
2019-92 |
Resolution Levying an Assessment Upon Customers of the Lincoln Solid Waste Management District Who Own Personal Property in the District and owe an Unpaid Overage Charge for FY 2019 |
9-12-19 |
2019-93 |
Resolution Requesting Prosecutorial Assistance |
9-12-19 |
2019-94 |
Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property |
10-3-19 |
2019-95 |
Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid |
10-15-19 |
2019-96 |
Resolution Ordering a Refund of Fees and Assessments Paid |
10-15-19 |
2019-97 |
Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid |
10-15-19 |
2019-99 |
Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property |
10-31-19 |
2019-100 |
Resolution to Create the Red Fox Meadows Road Rural Improvement District No. 2019-03 |
10-31-19 |
2019-101 |
Resolution to Create the Red Fox Meadows Stormwater Rural Improvement District No. 2019-04 |
10-31-19 |
2019-102 |
Resolution to Create the Red Fox Meadows Trails Rural Improvement District No. 2019-05 |
10-31-19 |
2019-103 |
Resolution to Create the Red Fox Meadows Fire System Rural Improvement District No. 2019-06 |
10-31-19 |
2019-104 |
Resolution to Create a Flood Control Detention Pond Rural Improvement District No. 2019-07 |
10-31-19 |
2019-105 |
Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property |
11-8-19 |
2019-106 |
Resolution to Select Certified General Real Estate Appraiser Randall A. Biehl for the Proposed Potter Ranch Conservation Easement |
12-3-19 |
2019-107 |
Resolution in Support of the Lincoln Valley Collaborative Public Lands Management Proposal |
12-5-19 |
2019-108 |
Resolution Delegating Authority to the Lewis and Clark County Coroner Staff to Sign Cremation Orders When Necessary |
12-10-19 |
2019-109 |
Resolution to Name the Lewis and Clark County Fairgrounds Arena "Cool Alley" |
12-17-19 |
2019-110 |
Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property |
12-19-19 |