2018 Resolutions

Res. No. Title Date
2018-1 Resolution to Establish Regular Meeting Dates of the Lewis and Clark County Commission and to Describe Procedures for Public Participation 1-2-18
2018-2(PDF, 89KB) Resolution Establishing Hours of Operation for all Lewis and Clark County Offices 1-2-18
2018-3(PDF, 84KB) Resolution Establishing the 2018 Fire Season and Related Burn Permits and Fees for Lewis and Clark County 1-2-18
2018-4(PDF, 42KB) Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property 1-2-18
2018-6(PDF, 67KB) Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property 1-11-18
2018-7 Resolution Accepting the Settlement Agreement and Mutual Release of Claims in the Matter of John R. (Jack) Lien, Dawn Lien v. Timothy P. Redmond, Carol Marie Redmond, John Does 1-5 v. Lewis and Clark County v. Glenn and Leslie Van Dyke, DDV-2014-408 1-18-18
2018-8(PDF, 96KB) Resolution Adopting the Recommendation of the Citizens Advisory Committee for the Lewis and Clark County Open Lands Program Guide 5-3-18
2018-9 Resolution Calling for an Election and Establishing the Election Date on the Question of Incorporation of a County Water and/or Sewer District for the Ranchview Estates Subdivision and to Elect the Board of Directors of Such District 2-6-18
2018-10 Resolution Calling for an Election and Establishing the Election Date on the Question of Incorporation of a County Water and/or Sewer District for the Northstar Planned Unit Development and to Elect the Board of Directors of Such District 2-6-18
2018-11 Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid 2-20-18
2018-12 Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid 2-20-18
2018-13 Resolution Setting Seasonal Weight Limits on Specific Roads Under the Jurisdiction of Lewis and Clark County for 2018 3-6-18
2018-14 Resolution Setting Permanent Weight Limits on Specific Roads Under the Jurisdiction of Lewis and Clark County for 2018 3-6-18
2018-15 Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property 3-13-18
2018-16 Resolution Naming Brookshire Loop 3-15-18
2018-17 Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid 4-17-18
2018-18 Resolution of Intention to Amend the South Forestvale Rural Improvement District No. 2015-7 4-19-18
2018-19 Resolution to Adopt an Alternative Delivery Method Pursuant to §18-2-502, MCA 4-19-18
2018-20 Resolution of Support for the National Park System 4-24-18
2018-21 Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property 4-26-18
2018-22 Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property 5-1-18
2018-23 Resolution Designating Polling Places in Lewis and Clark County 5-3-18
2018-24 Resolution Appointing Election Judges for 2018-2020 5-3-18
2018-25 Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property 5-10-18
2018-26 Resolution Naming Danas Ridge Road 5-17-18
2018-27 Resolution Naming Danas Vista Drive 5-17-18
2018-29 Resolution Approving the Tax Abatement Application of Matthew Culpo and Christine Thennis for that Property Located at 330 and 332 Pine Street in the City of Helena, Montana 5-22-18
2018-30 Resolution of Intention to Decrease the Solid Waste Disposal Fee Established by the Scratch Gravel Solid Waste District, Effective July 1, 2018 6-7-18
2018-31 Resolution to Amend the South Forestvale Rural Improvement District No. 2015-7 5-29-18
2018-32 Resolution to Decrease the Solid Waste Disposal Fee Established by the Scratch Gravel Solid Waste District, Effective July 1, 2018 6-21-18
2018-33 Resolution to Accept the Determination that the Environmental Assessment is Appropriate for the Dalton Mountain Road Bridge Replacement 5-29-18
2018-34 Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property 5-29-18
2018-35 Resolution to Adopt the Final Preliminary Engineering Report to Complete Bridge Improvements 5-29-18
2018-36 Resolution to Authorize Submission of TSEP Application 5-29-18
2018-37 Resolution Appointing Post-Election Audit Committee 5-29-18
2018-38 Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid - Not Approved
2018-39 Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property 6-5-18
2018-40 Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property 6-5-18
2018-41 Resolution Ordering the Cancellation of Real Property Taxes That Have Been Delinquent for 5 years of More 6-21-18
2018-42 Resolution Ordering the Cancellation of Personal Property Taxes That Have Been Delinquent for 5 Years 6-21-18
2018-43 Resolution Effectively Declaring the Territory Enclosed Within the Proposed Boundaries Duly Organized as a County Water and/or Sewer district under the Name Ranchview County Water and/or Sewer District 6-21-18
2018-44 Resolution Effectively Declaring the Territory Enclosed Within the Proposed Boundaries Duly Organized as a County Water and/or Sewer District Under the Name Northstar County Water and/or Sewer District 6-21-18
2018-45 Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property 6-26-18
2018-46 Resolution Canceling Uncalled Warrants Drawn on US Bank of Helena with a Date of Issuance Between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017 from the Fairgrounds Fund #719 Pursuant to Section 7-7-2607, MCA 6-26-18
2018-47 Resolution Canceling Uncalled Warrants Drawn on US Bank of Helena with a Date of Issuance Between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017 from the Treasurer's Office Accounting Department Pursuant to Section 7-6-2607, MCA 6-26-18
2018-48 Resolution Canceling Uncalled Warrants Drawn on US Bank of Helena with a Date of Issuance Between April 30, 2015 and June 30, 2017 from the PureView Fund #692 Pursuant to Section 7-6-2607, MCA 6-26-18
2018-49 Resolution Canceling Uncalled Warrants Drawn on US Bank of Helena with a Date of Issuance Between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017 from the County Clerk's Office Pursuant to Section 7-6-2607, MCA 6-26-18
2018-50 Resolution Canceling Uncalled Warrants Drawn on US Bank of Helena with a Date of Issuance Between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017 from the Sheriff's Commissary Fund #703 Pursuant to Section 7-6-2607, MCA 6-26-18
2018-51 Resolution Canceling Uncalled Warrants Drawn on US Bank of Helena with a Date of Issuance Between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017 from the Justice Court Pursuant to Section 7-6-2607, MCA 6-26-18
2018-52 Resolution Setting the Salaries for Certain Elected Officials 7-3-18
2018-53 Resolution Setting the Salary for the Lewis and Clark County Justice of the Peace and Establishing Office Hours 7-3-18
2018-54 Resolution to Amend the South Forestvale Rural Improvement District No. 2015-07 to Levy and Assess a Tax Upon Benefited Properties 7-10-18
2018-55 Resolution of Intention to Create the 4X4 Rural Improvement District No. 2018-01 7-10-18
2018-56 Resolution Relating to Higher Education Revenue Refunding Bond (Carroll College Refunding Issue), Series 2013B 7-10-18
2018-57 Resolution Relating to First Amended and Restated Higher Education Revenue Note (Carroll College Energy Performance Project), Series 2008; Approving First Amendment to Loan Agreement and Related Matters; Authorizing Certificates in Connection with the Delivery of the Amended Note 7-10-18
2018-58 Resolution Requesting Distribution of Local Government Road Construction and Maintenance Match Program Funds 7-12-18
2018-59 Resolution Adopting the Final Operating Budget and Setting Appropriation Authority for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2018 and Ending June 30, 2019 7-12-18
2018-60 Resolution to Levy and Assess a Tax Upon Benefited Property Within the 46 Degrees North Rural Improvements District No. 2017-1 7-24-18
2018-61 Resolution to Levy and Assess a Tax Upon Benefited Property Within the 46 Degrees North Fire System Rural Improvement District No. 2017-2 7-24-18
2018-62 Resolution to Levy and Assess a Tax Upon Benefited Property Within the 46 Degrees North Parks Rural Improvement District No. 2017-3 7-24-18
2018-63 Resolution to Levy and Assess a Tax Upon Benefited Property Within the Canyon Ferry Crossing Rural Improvement District No. 2017-7 8-14-18
2018-64 Resolution to Levy and Assess a Tax Upon Benefited Property Within the Canyon Ferry Crossing Fire Systems Rural Improvement District No. 2017-8 7-26-18
2018-65 Resolution to Appropriate Immediately to the Emergency/Disaster Fund an Amount Equivalent to Two Mills on the Taxable Valuation of Lewis and Clark County Outside the Incorporated Municipalities, Pursuant to Montana Code Annotated 10-3-405 7-26-18
2018-66 Resolution Naming Tatanka Lane 7-31-18
2018-67 Resolution Setting a Public Hearing Date on the Issuance of a $5,400,000 Helena Regional Airport Authority Revenue Note, Series 2018. 7-31-18
2018-68 Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property 7-31-18
2018-69 Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property 8-7-18
2018-70 Resolution to Levy and Assess a Tax Upon Benefited Property Within the Lorac Rural Improvement District No. 2017-13 8-14-18
2018-71 Resolution to Levy and Assess a Tax Upon Benefited Property Within the Garden Valley Rural Improvement District No. 2016-3 8-14-18
2018-72 Resolution to Create the 4X4 Rural Improvement District No. 2018-01 - Not Approved
2018-73 Resolution to Levy and Assess a Tax Upon Benefited Property Within the Maynard Lighting District 8-21-18
2018-74 Resolution to Levy and Assess a Tax Upon Benefited Property Within the Frontier Village Fires System Rural Improvement District No. 2016-4 8-21-18
2018-75 Resolution Determining Public Interest and Authorizing the Issuance of a $5,400,000 Helena Regional Airport Authority Revenue Note, Series 2018 8-21-18
2018-76 Resolution to Levy and Assess a Tax Upon Benefited Property Within the Kamp Road Rural Improvement District No. 2017-11 8-28-18
2018-77 Resolution to Levy and Assess a Tax Upon Benefited Property Within the Kamp Fire Rural Improvement District No. 2017-12 8-28-18
2018-78 Resolution to Levy and Assess a Tax Upon Benefited Property Within the Tilly Court Rural Improvement District No. 2011-2 8-28-18
2018-79 Resolution Creating the Boundaries of a Part I Special Zoning District (East of Ferry Drive and South of Tea Road) 9-6-18
2018-80 Resolution Providing for the Annual Tax Levy in Mills for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 10-2-18
2018-81 Resolution to Amend Resolution No. 2011-174 Modifying Membership Stipulations and Bylaws of the Mental Health Local Advisory Council 9-25-18
2018-82 Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property 9-25-18
2018-83 Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property 9-25-18
2018-84 Resolution Appointing Post-Election Audit Committee 10-4-18
2018-85 Resolution Levying an Assessment Upon Customers of the Lincoln Solid Waste Management District Who Own Real Property in the District and Owe an Unpaid Overage Charge for FY2018 10-9-18
2018-86 Resolution Levying an Assessment Upon Customers of the Lincoln Solid Waste Management District Who Own personal Property in the District and Owe an Unpaid Overage Charge for FY 2018 10-9-18
2018-87 Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property 10-9-18
2018-88 Resolution Levying an Assessment Upon Customers of the Scratchgravel Solid Waste Management District Owning Real Property in the District and Owing a Pay-As-You-Throw Program Charge After September 15, 2018 10-11-12
2018-89 Resolution Levying an Assessment Upon Customers of the Scratchgravel Solid Waste Management District Owning Mobile Homes as Personal Property in the District and Owing a Pay-As-You-Throw Program Charge After September 15, 2018 10-11-18
2018-90 Resolution Relating to Detention Center General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018; Authorizing the Issuance and Private Negotiated Sale Thereof to D.A. Davidson & Co. 10-11-18
2018-91 Resolution Requesting Prosecutorial Assistance 10-18-18
2018-92 Resolution to Create the Wheat Ridge Estates, Phase III Road Rural Improvement District No. 2018-02 10-23-18
2018-93 Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property 10-25-18
2018-94 Resolution to Create the Saddle Rock Rural Improvement District No. 2018-03 10-25-18
2018-95 Resolution Naming Ranch Rd 10-30-18
2018-96 Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property 11-1-18
2018-97 Resolution to Annex Adjacent Land Contained in Lewis and Clark County Fire Service Area into the Birdseye Rural Fire District 11-8-18
2018-98 Resolution Establishing an Additional Justice of the Peace 11-13-18
2018-99 Resolution of Intention to Establish the Lewis and Clark County Landfill Fee Rates Beginning January 1, 2019 11-13-18
2018-100 Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property 11-27-18
2018-101 Resolution Authorizing a Change in Approved Signatures for the Citizens Alliance Bank of Lincoln 11-27-18
2018-102 Resolution to Authorize Application for a Community Development Block Grant 11-29-18
2018-103 Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property 11-29-18
2018-105 Resolution of Intention to Create Both the Boundary and Regulations for the Fort Harrison Rural Growth Area Zone District 12-18-18
2018-106 Resolution of Intention to Create Both the Boundary and Regulations for the Fort Harrison Urban Growth Area Zone District 12-18-18
2018-107 Resolution Establishing the Lewis and Clark County Landfill Fee Rates as Recommended by the Scratch Gravel Solid Waste District, Beginning January 1, 2019 11-29-18
2018-108 Resolution Discontinuing Two Alley Segments in Blocks 196 and 202 of the Ames Addition to Helena 11-29-18
2018-110 Resolution Relating to $6,500,000 Lewis and Clark County, Montana, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018; Determining the Form and details Thereof, Authorizing the execution and Delivery and Levying Taxes for the Payment Thereof, and Authorizing the Sale of the Bonds to D.A. Davidson & Co. 11-29-18
2018-112(PDF, 1MB) Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid 12-11-18
2018-113 Resolution Creating Zoning Regulations for Special Zoning District No. 50 (East North Hills Planning and Zoning District) 1-8-19
2018-114 Resolution Amending Resolution 2018-55 Pertaining to the Intention to Create the 4X4 Rural Improvement District No. 2018-01 12-7-18
2018-115 Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property 12-27-18
2018-116 Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid 12-27-18