1940 Resolutions

Res. No. Title Date
1940 Ordering Acceptance of Bid from Edward and Margaret Anderson for Lots 26 & 27, Block 208, Ames Addition and Execution of Deed 01-05-40
Setting Hearing Date on Closure of Portions of Lincoln-Landers Fork Road from Lincoln to Bower Ranch 04-08-40
Emergency Budget for Gopher Fund 05-03-40
Ordering Closure of Portions of Lincoln-Rogers Pass Road from Lincoln to Bower Ranch 05-08-40
Ordering Appointment of Edward R. Nett as Justice of the Peace of Augusta Township 05-11-40
Giving Written Approval of Construction of State Arsenal, Armory and Drill Hall within City of Helena 09-09-40
Furnishing Power Shovel for 7-10 Days to Aid in Construction of State Arsenal, Armory and Drill Hall 09-09-40
Ordering that Phil Jezick be Given Permission to Demolish Structure at Main & Wood Streets and Retain Salvaged Materials as Payment 10-28-40
Making Application to Food Stamp Plan of Surplus Marketing Admin. for Installation of "Food Stamp Plan" 12-28-40
Declaring Intention to Purchase Tractor for Road Department and Calling for Bids to be Published 04-17-41
Transferring Custody of Marion Shovel to the Supply Fund Account of Works Project Administration for Enlargement of Airport 04-18-41
Approval of Sale of Lots to L.N. Songer & Marian Wright 04-25-41
Authorizing County Treasurer to Purchase $5,000 in Food Stamps from the Surplus Commodity Corporation 07-31-41
Correcting Boundary Lines Between Commissioner Districts as of June 25, 1929 08-04-41
Ordering Sale of 1937 Ford and Calling for Publishing Bids 09-09-41
To Defray the 40% Cost of Maintaining Lights in Special Street Lighting Districts Assessed Against the Light Fund and Adding Taxes to Rolls for This Year 11-14-41
Ordering Dissolution of Precinct No. 35 and Incorporation with Augusta Election Precinct No. 37 and Renumbering of Remaining Precincts 12-06-41
Memorializing the Passing of Commissioner George N. Middlemas 12-22-41
Emergency Budget Allotment for District Court 01-29-42
Fixing Per Annum Retail Liquor Licenses Fees and Directing Co. Treasurer to Collect Said Fees 03-12-42
Consolidating the Coroner's Office with that of the Sheriff 03-19-42
Allowing Citizens of Japanese Descent to be Employed in Lewis and Clark County Under the Surveillance of FBI 11-19-42
Ordering Co. Attorney to Proceed with Action in Eminent Domain to Condemn ROW for Roadway in Sec. 2, 3, T12N, R4W 04-14-43
Declaring L&C County a Road District #1 04-21-43
Directing County Treasurer to Expunge Delinquent Taxes for 1936 in the Name of Dr. E. L. Gallivan 05-19-43
Memorial Resolution Honoring Commissioner Marvin Craig 10-16-45
Ordering All Future Labor Contracts and Hiring Under Jurisdiction of Co. Commission Carry Specifications for Hiring of Resident Veterans of the County First; Other Veterans Second; and Non-Veterans Third 03-02-46
Declaring Lewis and Clark County a Fourth Class County and Fixing Salaries for County Office Holders 09-23-46
Permitting Owen Perry to Remove a Part of Trout Creek Bridge to Permit Passage of Floating Dredge 04-23-47
Declaring Intention to Set Upa Retirement Plan for County Employees Upon the Identical Basis as Provided for State Employees Effective 7-1-47 (documented in Journal on 8-20-47) 05-08-47
Authorizing Signing of Contract with Board of Admin. of Public Employees' Retirement System, State of Montana, Establishing Retirement System for County Employees (documented in Journal on 8-20-47) 05-17-47
Increasing Annual Salaries of Appointive Employees 07-26-47
To Forward to Both Bonding Companies Notice of Surety of Default of Principal by V.G. Warren, L&C County Treasurer 11-05-47
Declaring a Public Emergency Exists in County Attorney's Office and Appointing an Additional Deputy Co. Attorney 12-10-47
Allotting Additional Budget to District Court for Payment of Jurors and Witnesses for Remainder of FY 1947-1948 01-30-48
That Offer of Payment of $250 be Accepted from Estate of Henry T. Hall as Payment in Full for Debt of $925 Owed to County Hospital 02-11-48
Permitting Sheriff be Paid Sum of Fifty Cents per Transient Sleeper per Night for Board and Lodging Furnished at County Jail 02-16-48
Raising the Common School Levy from 9 Mills to 10 Mills 07-26-48
Allowing BOCC to Make Application to State Highway Commission to Purchase Black Top for Repair of Canyon Creek Road 08-05-48
Concurring with Designation of Helena-Wilborn Road and Agreeing to Maintain Certain Newly-Constructed Sections 08-25-48
Fixing Salaries for County Officials Pursuant to Chapter 150 of the Session Laws of the 29th Legislative Assembly 09-30-48
Amending Resolution of 9-28-48 Fixing Salaries for Assessor, Clerk and Recorder and Treasurer 12-14-48
Directing Purchase of 150-200 Cubic Yards of Crushed Gravel from Stockpile North of Dearborn River Bridge on Hwy 33 at Price of $1.50 per Cubic Yard 12-14-48
Directing Treasurer to Refund Taxes Paid to Wolf Creek Fire District and Cancelling Assessment of Unpaid Taxes 02-07-49
Declaring a Public Emergency Exists by Virtue of Threatened Loss of Employees Due to Inadequate Compensation, and Calling for Public Hearing on Allocating $3,650 to Increase Salaries 02-28-49
Declaring a Public Emergency Exists and Calling for Public Hearing on Approving Emergency Expenditure of $29,300 for Road Fund 02-28-49
Adopting an Emergency Budget of $19,700 for Road Maintenance for Duration of Fiscal Year 1948-49 05-12-49
Annual Tax Resolution No. 22 Levying Taxes Within Limits of City of East Helena 08-03-49
Authorizing and Directing County Attorney to File Judgment of Dismissal of Action Against V.G. Warren, National Surety Corp. of New York, and Fidelity and Desposit Company of Maryland 08-09-49
Ordering Transfer of Voting Precinct #36 to Augusta Precinct #37 12-15-49
Establishing an Annual License for Operation of Any Slot Machine within County at a Cost of $100 Credited to County Poor Fund 12-13-49