Local Advisory Council Strategic Plan Workgroup Public Notices
FY21-23 Workgroup One: Communications Plus
Improve LAC Communications/Awareness/Education/Interaction with alignment to LAC Mission and Guiding Principles to improve the Behavioral Health services in Lewis and Clark County.
Workgroup Lead: Andrea Homier
Members: Members: Gary Mihelish, Michelle Marshal, Dennis Nyland, Tom Rolfe, Andrea Homier and periodically Jolene Jennings
Meeting Schedule: TBD - First meeting 3.15.21
FY21-23 Workgroup Two: Improve the Future BH Crisis Response and Continuum of Care
Improve the future Behavioral Health Crisis Response and Continuum of Care with alignment to LAC Mission and Guiding Principles to improve the Behavioral Health services in Lewis and Clark County.
Lead: Drenda Niemann
Members: Marvin Colman, Brandy Vail, Jennifer Preble, Julie Bir, Jess Hegstrom, Emily McVey, Jillian Danesi, Drenda Niemann, Jolene Jennings sub for Drenda.
Monthly Meeting Schedule:
FY21-23 Workgroup Three: Legislation and Policy
Improve and increase LAC Legislation and Policy engagement with alignment to LAC Mission and Guiding Principles to improve the Behavioral Health services in Lewis and Clark County.
Lead: Jolene Jennings
Members: Sean Logan, John Nesbitt, Matt Furlong and Jolene Jennings
First Meeting: Friday, 3/26/21 10am on Zoom.
Monthly Meeting Schedule: 3rd Friday at 1pm (new time!) - currently on Zoom
FY21-23 Workgroup Four: Data and Common Dashboard
Identify data needed to meet LAC BH goals and develop a common dashboard to track impact with alignment to LAC Mission and Guiding Principles to improve the Behavioral Health services in Lewis and Clark County.
Lead: Julie Bir
Members: Kayla Morris, Emily McVey, Wynn Randall, Commissioner Tom Rolfe, Nathan Munn, Julie Bir and Jolene Jennings
Zoom Meeting Schedule: 3rd Friday 10-11am beginning 3.19.21
Past Workgroups Minutes