Investment Committee

The Investment Committee makes recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners with regard to investing the financial assets of all funds of Lewis and Clark County and all other participants in the County Investment Pool Program. The Investment Pool represents Lewis and Clark County, participating School Districts, and Special Districts in Lewis and Clark County. The governing bodies of each district elect participation by an interlocal agreement. This Committee also makes recommendations to the BOCC regarding amendments to investment policy and procedures.


  • 3rd Monday, March, June, September, and December
  • 1:00 p.m.
  • Room 326, City-County Building and Zoom

Member Term Expiration
Tom Rolfe County Commissioner
Amy Reeves County Treasurer
Roger Baltz Chief Administrative Officer
Frank Cornwell County Chief Financial Officer
Katrina Chaney County Superintendent of Schools
Sherry Peets Accounting Staff
James Penner Public 12/31/27
William Rust Public 12/31/26
Janelle Mickelson School District #1
Rex Weltz Superintendent of Schools
Dan Rispens EH Superintendent of Schools