Additional Resources

Montana Law Help (Low Income/Civil Law)

Montana Legal Services Help Line: 800-666-6899 and


Assisted Living Research Institute

Adult Protective Services Elder Abuse Hotline

Emergency Intervention for elder abuse and protection

Call 800-551-3191

Child Abuse and Neglect

Centralized intake system for reporting suspected child abuse and neglect.

Call 866-820-5437

Child and Family Services



Child Support Enforcement

Assists parents with all aspects of child support including forms and information.

Call 800-346-5437



Citizen Advocate Office

Assists with problems or complaints related to state agencies. 

Call 800-332-2272 or 406-444-3468

Or by mail to: Citizen's Advocate, State Capitol, Helena, MT, 59620-0801




Consumer Protection Office

Assists with consumer problems and educates consumers about their rights.

Call 800-481-6896 or 406-444-4500



Disability Rights

Protects & advocates for human, legal & civil rights of Montanans with mental and physical disabilities; provides assistance of advocates & attorneys for disability related issues.

Call 800-245-4743 or 406-449-2344 voice/TDD


Domestic Violence - MSLA Domestic Violence Intake

Provides legal assistance to victims of domestic violence.

Call 800-799-SAFE(7233) or 888-404-7794



Human Rights Bureau

Administrative body that investigates and hears complaints of discrimination.

Call 800-542-0807 or 406-444-2884



Lawyer Referral & Information Service

A service of the State Bar of Montana providing referrals to attorneys and information regarding other resources. Does not have attorneys on staff or provide names of pro bono or reduced fee attorneys.

Call 406-449-6577



Montana Defender Project

U of M School of Law - Post conviction civil rights matters involving prison conditions & sentence review. Serves only Montana inmates.

Call 406-243-6259




Montana Courts

Montana's Judicial Branch seeks to provide equal access to justice while building the public's trust and confidence in Montana courts.


Montana Medical Legal Panel

Montana law requires that you first present your claim to the Montana Medical legal Panel before you can file suit.

Call 877-443-4000 or 406-443-4000


Office of Disciplinary Counsel

Investigates claims of ethical violations by lawyers.

Call 877-442-1648 or 406-442-1648


Public Defender’s Office

Supervises the Montana Public Defender System and the Office of the State Public Defender. 

Call 406-496-6080 or 406-444-0104


State Bar of Montana

Association for attorney regulations and licensing and legal education, publications and programs to serve attorneys and the public.

Call 406-442-7660

7 West 6thAve. Helena, MT 59624


State Law Library of Montana

Serves the legal needs of judges, attorneys and the general public by providing reference and research assistance. 

Call 800-710-9827 or 406-444-1907

Law Library of Montana




Victim Services

Victim Services and Restorative Justice and Crime Victim Compensation Program - provides direct services to victims and processes claims for compensation for innocent victims who have been injured or killed as a result of a crime.

Call 800-498-6455 or 406-444-1907



Public Access Portal

Public Access Portal

Provides online access to court records and the court calendar.