City County Schools

School Districts

Colleges in Lewis and Clark County

  • Carroll College
  • Helena College of Technology - University of Montana

Auchard Creek School District #27

Auchard Creek School is located at the Milford Colony on Hwy 287 approximately 15 miles south of Augusta.

Auchard Creek LE0498 ESSER ARP Plan(PDF, 283KB)

Auchard Creek Safe Reopening Plan1(PDF, 258KB)

Completed Graduate Profile(PDF, 162KB)

School Address: 9605 Hwy 287
Wolf Creek, MT 59648

Mailing Address: 9605 Hwy 287
Wolf Creek, MT 59648-8637

Phone: (406)562-3528
Fax: (406) 562-3722

Supervising Teachers:

  • Josh Wood
  • Grades K-8

Augusta School District #45

“Home of the Elks”

Augusta School District is located in Augusta, Montana, approximately 80 miles northwest of Helena on Hwy 287.

Augusta School District Safe Return to School Plan(PDF, 169KB)

School Address: 322 N. Broadway
Augusta, MT 59410

Mailing Address: PO Box 307
Augusta, MT 59410

Phone: (406) 562-3384
Fax: (406) 562-3898


Lincoln K-12 School District #38

Lincoln K-12 School District is located in Lincoln, Montana, approximately 50 miles northwest of Helena on Hwy 200.

School Address: 808 Main Street
Lincoln, MT 59639

Mailing Address: PO Box 39
Lincoln, MT 59639

Phone: (406) 362-4201
Fax: (406) 362-4030

Superintendent: Carla Anderson


Trinity School District #4 (at Canyon Creek)

Trinity Elementary is located approximately 22 miles northwest of Helena, MT

Trinity-Elem-LE0491-ARP.pdf(PDF, 280KB)

Safe-Return-to-School-Plan-Trinity-0491.pdf(PDF, 426KB)

School Address: 7435 Duffy Lane
Canyon Creek, MT 59633

Mailing Address: PO Box 523
Canyon Creek, MT 59633



Phone: (406) 368-2230
Fax: (406) 368-2250

Supervising Teachers:

  • Jennifer Kueber
  • Grades K-5

Wolf Creek School District #13

Wolf Creek is located 40 miles north of Helena, off I-15.

Wolf Creek ARP ESSER Plan Update(PDF, 284KB)

Wolf Creek Model Safe Schools and Continuity of Services Plan(PDF, 309KB)

School Address: 150 Walsh Street
Wolf Creek, MT 59648

Mailing Address: C/O BJ Young Box 200
Wolf Creek, MT 59648


Phone: (406) 235-4241
Fax: (406) 235-4241 (call to have it turned on)

Supervising Teacher:

  • Korrin Kenck-Vanderloos
  • Grades K-5